They say we are what we are
But we don't have to be
I'm bad behavior but I do it in the best way
I'll be the watcher (watcher) of the eternal flame

I'll be the guard dog of all your fever dreams
I am the sand in the bottom half of the hourglass glass (glass) (glass)

I'll try to picture me without you but I can't
'Cause we could be Immortals, Immortals
Just not for long, for long
And live with me forever now

Pull the blackout curtains down
Just not for long, for long
We could be Immooooooor... Immortals
Immooooooor... Immortals
...immooooooor... Immortals

Immooooooor... Immortals
(Im... Immortals)
Sometimes the only pay off for having any faith
Is when it's tested again and again everyday

I'm still comparing your past to my future
It might be your wound but they're my sutures

I am the sand in the bottom half of the hourglass glass (glass) (glass)
I'll try to picture me without you but I can't
'Cause we could be Immortals, Immortals
Just not for long, for long

And live with me forever now
Pull the blackout curtains down
Just not for long, for long

We could be Immooooooor... Immortals
Immooooooor... Immortals

And live with me forever now...
Pull the blackout curtains down...
We could be Immortals... Immortals
Just not for long, for long
We could be Immooooooor... Immortals
Immooooooor... Immortals
...immooooooor... Immortals
Immooooooor... Immortals
(Im... Immortals)

Upptäckte den på riktigt efter att ha kollat på big hero 6 (btw, aaas bra film), spammlyssnade, tröttnade, och
har nu tagit upp lyssnadet igen... ...Gamla låtar är så bra!? Jag dras helt enkelt till dem.
Jag har varit helt off på sociala medier på senaste tiden, har helt enkelt inte funnits till, eller ja, den har runnit iväg; stallet, utflykt med övernattning, way to much serietittande (The Flash har kollats klart, Arrow is the shit), lågt intresse? 
Har iallafall tänkt bli aktiv nu (kommer jag lyckas? hmm) Så, vi får helt enkelt se nästa gång jag är busig :(

Tänker att jag behöver hitta en större inspirationskälla då min motivering till blogg går i vågar just nu. Okeej, hela mitt sociala liv (eller ja, instagrammandet och snapchatande heh) går i vågor. Men.
Pillat lite på denna i nya datorn, after & before.
Dossan, Övrigt | |